Other reasons
I expect to talk in English
Yes! We do speak, understand and write in English. It’s clear that there’s no way to offer legal services without speaking English.
I want a peace of mind
We will not push for any alternative which could make you to regret about our services. We go according to your best approach.
I don’t want to be involved
As lawyers we can act on your behalf for every step to make. We can represent you entirely , so you can run your business as usual.
I’m looking for a full-service attorney
We are business attorneys, so we can handle all matters related to the needs of a company doing business. We will not appoint many lawyers for your case.
I want full dedication and commitment
One of our principles is to get a close relationship with our clients. Therefore, it is a personal matter to advise them properly. Our small law firm can offer this approach.
I don’t want an expensive lawyer
Big law firms tend to pressure associates to bill as many hours as possible, because they have to cover their high overhead costs. We don’t need to do that.
The practice of law in Peru
The Peruvian legal market is small; however, the number of lawyers per 10,000 inhabitants is the same as in the United States: 40, on average per 10,000 inhabitants.
In an investigation [1] it was determined that of the 130,000 registered lawyers in Peru, more than half are in Lima and Callao. After Lima, the five bar associations with the highest number of members are the regions of La Libertad (8,268); Arequipa (8,133); Lambayeque (6,196); Cusco (6,080) and Puno (4,140). Among the colleges that have a smaller number of lawyers are the Ucayali Bar Association, with 787, the Tumbes Association with 410 and the Huancavelica Association with just 291 members.
The Lima Bar Association has 61,922 registered lawyers, of which 42,000 are active. 1,579 members are registered in the Lima Norte Bar Association, and 420 members are registered in the Lima Sur Bar Association. In turn, the El Callao Bar Association is home to 8,600 collegiate members, of which only 1,800 are working.
About the areas in which they practice law, the following graph[2] explains:
Regarding the sectors where lawyers practice, the private area reaches 40%, while in the public sector it reaches 38%. The 22% difference corresponds to lawyers who practice in both sectors.
Respondents also answered questions regarding the use of information technologies in the practice of the legal profession. The results show an overwhelming 89% of lawyers who are informed about legal norms through the Internet.
The career of the lawyer implies not only a vocation but an obligation. The obligation is to be in constant adaptation and evolution. One of the definitions of the term “practice” is: Skill or experience that is achieved or acquired with the continued performance of an activity. We would add, for the field of law, the capacity for adaptation and evolution.
As we pointed out on this web page, one of the maxims of our ancestor was. “Study, meditate and produce.” Indeed, the study does not end with the University, but must continue to deepen in order to obtain the best results for those who require legal advice. Meditation, in legal practice, is essential; It requires knowing how to listen, understand, see all the angles of the subject and have the capacity for concentration and analysis to be able to give an accurate opinion. To produce is to turn all that practice into the legal advice, whatever the field in which it operates.
[1] La ley.pe
[2] Source: La ley.pe