Government procurement

stamp, secret, top

We provide strategic advice and counseling at every stage of the government/contractor relationship. Our collective and vast knowledge working hand-in-hand with our clients who do business with the government makes us uniquely situated to understand the complexities associated with both the government and its contractors, which is crucial knowledge for a company trying to win or retain a government contract or trying to resolve what could be a major dispute with a government agency or regulator.


The Peruvian economy has become increasingly market-oriented, with major privatizations completed since 1990 in the mining, electricity, and telecommunications industries. Public procurement is becoming a strategic tool in Peru for achieving key policy objectives. The system is currently going through a transitional period, moving from excessive formalities and complex tendering processes to prioritizing results and value for money.


To be participants, bidders, and/or contractors shall be registered in the Suppliers National Registry (RNP) and haven´t been sanctioned, or disabled for making contracts with the State. The selection processes are public tender, public bidding, direct awarding, and awarding for lesser amounts, which may be conducted in a corporate manner or subject to the selection modalities of Reverse Auction or Framework Agreement.

The Tender Documentation for a selection process will rule the whole process from the submission of proposals to the award of the contract, including the contract wording. The submission of proposals and the awarding of the contract shall be conducted in a public act on one or more dates specified in the notice of intended procurement, in the presence of a notary public.

Contract Guaranties

The guarantees that shall be granted by bidders and/or contractors, as appropriate, are the bid bond, contract performance bond, advances, and differential amount of bid; The guarantees accepted by the Entities shall be unconditional, joint, irrevocable, and of automatic execution in the country as per requirement of the respective Entity under responsibility of the issuing companies. They shall be authorized to issue guarantees or to be considered in the last list of first-class foreign banks that are published regularly by the Central
Reserve Bank of Peru.